Getting Ready

Well I guess it's about time.

After practicing Zen for 28 years and teaching it for 18, I'm going on my first trip to Japan.  Many thanks to the Puget Sound Zen Center for sponsoring my trip, and to Wes and Sheila Borden for providing my room and board, and for guiding me around Kyoto.

As Wes pointed out my trip is a little like a Catholic priest visiting Rome - a pilgrimmage of sorts.  I'll stop in on a few of the 100s of temples in Kyoto, and visit the two great Rinzai monasteries, Daitoku-ji and Myoshin-ji.  I'll visit with a monk or two I know, and I might even see some cherry blossoms, though due to some cold weather it looks like I'll be a little early.

I leave in a couple of days, on Tuesday, March 20.  I'm only staying a week, I'm spending it all in Kyoto, and I'll be snapping photos and writing a little something each day.   I've never done this travel blogging thing before, but it looks straightforward enough (famous last words...).  It appears there's a comment section under each post, so feel free to comment away.  Sayonara!


  1. Bon Voyage, Koshin! Enjoy this wonderful adventure!

  2. Koshin,
    Seiun and Jion, two of my lay monks and I will be going to Japan in 2019 about this time! We will go up to Shoju-an during our two-week trip. I look forward to reading your blog entries and talking with you about your trip upon your return. Very exciting! Sayonara/Bon voyage,

  3. Hey Myokyo, great that you're going next year. Let's talk after I get back!

  4. Kosin, sounds really exciting. Safe travels.


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